
Genetic Analysis & Reporting Platform


GeneUlum is a customizable cloud-based platform that digitizes & automates
analysis & reporting of clinical genetic testing
List of Our


Across medical specialties..

like prenatal, neonatal, oncogenetics, cardio vascular, biochemical disorders among others, GeneUlum allows genetic diagnostic labs to leverage the benefits of automation & digitization for different testing methodologies like…


Provides customizable digital arrays for signals per cell, probes & other requirements.


Keeps track of metaphase cells, co-ordinates, note number of chromosomes.


Notes & tracks variants, presence & absence of bands.


Keeps track of metaphase cells, band resolutions, number of cells karyotyped or composite karyotypes.
The Benefits of using


Zero Error Processes !

By eliminating any manual or Word/Excel based processes, GeneUlum makes analysis & reporting 100% error free & digitized.

Analytics & Dashboards !

GeneUlum helps labs metricize & track processes & results. Labs can create custom dashboards to gain business or clinical insights by segmenting their analytical & result data by genes, demographics, disorders or medical specialties.

Scalability & Efficiency

Finish analysis & reports in a few seconds! Thousands of samples can be processed as Go-To-Market time for new medical verticals & new tests is exponentially reduced

Digital Transformation !

Be future ready by digitizing your business end-to-end. From employees, management to investors; technology makes life easy for everyone.
3 Easy Steps To

Get Started

Process Analysis

  • A business & clinical process analysis is done to map the lab’s bouquet of genetic tests & users on the platform.

Cloud Setup

  • GeneUlum easily integrates with LIMS & without altering existing process or testing flows, is setup on could.

Go Live

  • All functionalities, tests & reports are user tested post mapping & cloud setup. A lab is then ready to Go Live.

Our Mentors

Dr. Omar Aldawsary

Dr. Omar Aldawsari

BDS, EMBA from MBSC, founder Athar Health volunteer society, Founder Healthcare centers, Representative of the Health Committee in the Saudi Chambers.

Tabish Sangrar

Tabish Sangrar

Founder, '50 Most Innovative CIOs’, ‘50 Hottest Digital Transformation Startups’ (Forbes, USA)

Dr. Mustafa Saifi

Dr. Mustafa Saifi

Phd. Molecular Genetics, Postdoc Fellowships (India & USA), Director of New Tests and Technology Development

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